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how to position myself for marriage

Sow meaningful seeds into marriages/ weddings so that you can provoke blessings…

Forgive your ex, friends, family or anyone who has offended you. 

Do whatever you do with the whole of your heart and give your best to it. Someone is watching.

Be kind to nonprospects. Young, old, aged, everyone! This is what worked for Ruth.

Work on how you speak and the tone you use when you speak. 

Deal with anger issues. Practice how to control outbursts.

Learn constructive criticism!

Get access to different professionals, experts, coaches and counselors in the family life sector on elmaf .

Sow meaningful seeds into marriages/ weddings so that you can provoke blessings…

✓whatever you sow, you’d reap. Seed time and harvest will never cease! If you sow it, your harvest is certain!

Forgive your ex, friends, family or anyone who has offended you. 

✓An offended person carries an atmosphere of bitterness. A bitter person is never attractive. 

Do whatever you do with the whole of your heart and give your best to it. Someone is watching. ✓You never know the person who will recommend you!

Be kind to non prospects. Young, old, aged, everyone! This is what worked for Ruth. ✓Dont be kind to the opposite sex alone. Be kind to everyone, everyone literally. You don’t know where you may meet again or who they are affiliated with. 

Work on how you speak and the tone you use when you speak. ✓People can tell a rude person from the way they speak to the average unassuming person they interact with. 

Deal with anger issues. Practice how to control outburst. ✓Nobody wants an emotionally unstable person. 

Learn constructive criticism!

✓People are not usually attracted to a critical person. If you’re the one always seeing what is wrong with everything, you may need to work on yourself. When you have to gita negative feedback, do it with emotional intelligence, empathy…


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