Priscilla asks her son how he was able to eventually do his presentation. Prior to their discussion, her son, Tobi didn’t like to speak before people. However, this time, he had a compulsory assignment from school to present a speech before his class. Priscilla had watched her son practice his lines several times but saw the concern on his face. The painful part of it was the fact that parents were not allowed to come for the presentation. It was only amongst Tobi and his classmates.
At this time, all Priscilla had hoped for was that the things she had taught her son will be put to use on this occasion.
Here she was, finally seeing her son; expectantly waiting to hear his reply. Tobi looked up with a little smirk on his lips and said ‘Mom, I prayed’. The joy in Pricillia’s heart knew no bounds. She wanted to speak but allowed her son to continue with his thoughts. ‘You remember how you told me that God is a present help in the time of trouble, I had to call on God in prayer’. At this point, Priscilla couldn’t hold it, she hugged her son tightly and said, ‘Yes my son, you did the right thing’. Tobi went on, ‘ I honestly don’t know where the courage came from, I was trembling but I eventually delivered my speech and Mrs. Wura told me I did a great job’.
Tobi went on to share more details. As Priscilla went to her room, she thanked God for the grace to have raised a son like Tobi. Two years ago, Tobi would’ve given a different answer. He’d have mentioned that he would draw strength from his favorite superheroes or channel their power. When Pricillia observed her son’s response, she knew she had failed to teach her son that Jesus is the true superhero, not a fictional character in the movies. She began to intentionally teach her children the scriptures and didn’t miss any opportunity to use the scriptures to explain events of their daily lives. She also gradually replaced their favorite shows with more edifying ones. When they had to watch some shows, she made sure she was available to provide parental guidance.
Dear Parents, what do your kids believe? Who will they call on as their God? Do they share your values as a believer? Please find out. Look for a practical situation or scenario to know what they believe.
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